Rear view mirror temp and compass may not work due to electrical connection issues, damaged sensors, software glitches, or environmental factors affecting accuracy. Troubleshoot by checking connections, recalibrating, updating software, and considering professional help if needed. Implement preventive measures like regular maintenance and protection from extreme conditions.

When it comes to driving, safety and convenience are paramount. The rear view mirror in your vehicle serves as a vital tool, allowing you to monitor the traffic behind you. But what happens when your rear view mirror’s temperature and compass functions suddenly stop working? 

In this article, we will explore the common causes of such malfunctions and provide you with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to resolve these issues.

Causes of Rear View Mirror Temp and Compass Malfunction

Rear View Mirror Temp and Compass Not Working

Electrical connection issues

One of the primary reasons for the rear view mirror temperature and compass not working could be related to electrical connections. 

Over time, the wiring that powers these functions may become loose, corroded, or damaged. Such issues can disrupt the communication between the mirror and the vehicle’s electrical system, leading to a malfunction.

Damaged or faulty sensors

Another possible cause is the presence of damaged or faulty sensors. The rear view mirror relies on built-in sensors to detect the ambient temperature and determine the direction using a compass. 

If these sensors are compromised due to physical damage or internal faults, the accuracy and functionality of the mirror can be affected.

Software glitches or updates

Modern vehicles often feature advanced onboard computer systems that control various functions, including the rear view mirror. 

Software glitches or outdated firmware can cause the temperature and compass features to stop working as intended. A recent software update might sometimes conflict with the mirror’s functionality, requiring further attention.

Environmental factors affecting accuracy

External environmental factors can influence the rear view mirror’s temperature and compass functions. 

Extreme temperatures, strong magnetic fields, or even certain geographic locations can impact the accuracy of the mirror. It is essential to consider these factors while troubleshooting the issue.

Temp display on power rear view mirror fix

Troubleshooting Rear View Mirror Temp and Compass Issues

Rear View Mirror Temp and Compass Not Working

Check electrical connections

Begin the troubleshooting process by inspecting the electrical connections related to the rear view mirror. 

Ensure that the wiring harnesses and connectors are secure and free from corrosion. If any issues are found, clean the connections and reattach them firmly.

Reset or recalibrate the mirror

In some cases, a simple reset or recalibration of the rear view mirror can resolve the problem. Consult your vehicle’s manual or manufacturer’s instructions to determine the specific steps for resetting or recalibrating the mirror. 

This process usually involves pressing certain buttons or combinations to initiate the reset sequence.

Update software or firmware

Updating the software or firmware may be necessary if the mirror’s temperature and compass functions remain inactive.

Check the manufacturer’s website for any available updates related to the mirror system. Follow the provided instructions carefully to ensure a successful update and restoration of functionality.

Verify environmental conditions

If the issue persists, consider the impact of environmental conditions on the mirror’s accuracy. Ensure that the mirror is not exposed to extreme temperatures or strong magnetic fields. Recalibration might be required more frequently if you frequently travel to regions with specific geographical characteristics, such as proximity to the magnetic North Pole.

Successful Silverado rear view mirror fix for compass and ambient air temp display, auto-dimming

How do you calibrate a rear-view mirror compass?

Calibrating a rearview mirror compass typically involves the following steps:

  1. Find an open area: Drive to a location free from large metal objects, electrical power lines, and other potential sources of interference.
  2. Press and hold the calibration button: Locate the calibration button on your rear view mirror. Press and hold it until the compass display starts to change or blink.
  3. Drive in a circle: Drive in a complete circle at a speed of about 5-10 mph (8-16 km/h). Ensure you maintain a consistent speed and keep the circle as even as possible.
  4. Wait for the calibration to complete: After completing the circle, wait for the compass display to stabilize. This process usually takes a few seconds.
  5. Verify accuracy: Check the compass reading to ensure it aligns with the correct direction. Repeat the calibration process or consult your vehicle’s manual for specific instructions if necessary.

It’s important to note that the exact calibration method may vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Refer to your vehicle’s manual for precise instructions tailored to your rear view mirror compass system.

Why is your rear view mirror not working?

There are several potential reasons why your rear view mirror may not be working. Here are some common causes:

  • Electrical connection issues

Loose or faulty electrical connections can disrupt the power supply to the mirror, leading to a malfunction.

  • Blown fuse

If the fuse that controls the rear view mirror’s power supply is blown, it can result in the mirror not working at all.

  • Damaged mirror housing

Physical damage to the mirror housing, such as cracks or impact, can affect the internal components and cause the mirror to stop functioning.

  • Faulty sensors

Some rear view mirrors are equipped with sensors for features like temperature and compass. If these sensors become damaged or faulty, the corresponding functions may not work.

  • Software or firmware glitches

Modern rear view mirrors often rely on software or firmware to control various features. Glitches or compatibility issues with the software can lead to malfunctions.

  • Environmental factors

Extreme temperatures, exposure to moisture, or strong magnetic fields can interfere with the mirror’s functionality.

It’s important to note that the specific cause of your rear view mirror not working may vary depending on your vehicle’s make and model. If you’re experiencing this issue, it is recommended to consult your vehicle’s manual or seek professional assistance from a certified technician or dealership to diagnose and resolve the problem accurately.

When to consider professional assistance

If your troubleshooting attempts have been unsuccessful, it might be time to seek professional assistance. If the rear view mirror temperature and compass issues persist despite your efforts, a certified technician or dealership can provide expert guidance and diagnostic services.

Consulting the vehicle’s manual or manufacturer

Before visiting a professional, consult your vehicle’s manual or reach out to the manufacturer’s customer support. They can offer specific advice tailored to your vehicle model, highlighting any known issues or recommendations for resolving rear view mirror malfunctions.

Visiting a certified technician or dealership

When dealing with complex electrical or sensor-related issues, it is often best to rely on the expertise of a certified technician or dealership. These professionals have the knowledge, tools, and experience to effectively diagnose and repair the rear view mirror. They can identify any underlying problems that may require specialized attention.

Preventive Measures for Future Incidents

To prevent rear view mirror malfunctions, incorporate regular maintenance and inspection routines into your vehicle care regimen. Keep an eye on the mirror’s functionality, including the temperature and compass features. Address any minor issues promptly to avoid larger problems in the future.

Protecting the mirror from extreme conditions

Extreme temperatures, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, or harsh weather conditions can impact the rear view mirror’s longevity and accuracy. Whenever possible, park your vehicle in shaded areas or use sunshades to shield the mirror from direct sunlight. Additionally, consider protective covers or shields for the mirror during severe weather conditions.

Staying informed about software updates

Stay informed about software updates released by the manufacturer for your vehicle. Regularly check their website or subscribe to their notification services to receive the latest updates related to the rear view mirror system. Keeping the software up to date can help prevent compatibility issues or glitches.

Safeguarding electrical connections

Ensure that the electrical connections related to the rear view mirror are properly secured and protected. Periodically inspect the wiring harnesses and connectors for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. If any issues are detected, address them promptly to maintain optimal functionality.


The rear view mirror is a crucial component of your vehicle, providing essential visibility and convenience. When the temperature and compass functions of the rear view mirror stop working, it can be frustrating and inconvenient. By understanding the common causes of these malfunctions and following the troubleshooting guide provided, you can effectively resolve the issues and restore the functionality of your rear view mirror. Remember to seek professional help when necessary and implement preventive measures to avoid future incidents.

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